Friday, June 12, 2009

Oatmeal.  Does that seem like an odd way to begin a blog entitled "Everything Splendid?" If anything, oatmeal does not look splendid. It looks a bit like squashed brains.  However, one thing I have discovered during my 9 to 5 stint in front of a computer during the week is that the simple things in life can really make your day.  I was taught in my Nutrition class that cereal is the wonder food.  Not so.  You eat cereal for breakfast and 2 hours later you're so hungry that the extra cookie/granola bar/candy that you had lying around is GONE.  Definitely not what the dieter desires. Yesterday, however, I opted for a cup of oatmeal.  5 hours later I was still barely peckish!  Splendid?'s a matter of opinion.  But it does make me smile.

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