Thursday, June 25, 2009

Garden Plenty

Had green beans fresh from the garden for dinner the other night and I got to go out and pick them! There's something actually really cool about digging in the big bush (cuz these are the kind of green beans that grow in a bush shape rather than on a vine) and I'm going to miss all the fresh produce and greenery when I move into the new apartment in August. Never fear though, I'm already planning how to fit a garden into our little balcony!

Green bean bush.

Baby green beans

Picked green beans! Yum!

Below is a (not very well lit and kinda fuzzy) pic of my outfit yesterday. I've been in a bit of a fashion slump lately, but Wednesday I pulled out the leather jacket and blue tights and some old shoes I wore as Aunt Eller in the school play in 6th grade and voila!

(Jacket H&M, dress some place in NYC, tights Target,

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