Saturday, February 25, 2012


An update:

I am now living in West Hollywood, California, with a stupendous job and a sunny pooldeck and occasional NYC homesickness. Two weeks ago I visited NY again for fashion week. Not really. Really it was for fun and my birthday and I only did two remotely fashiony things: 1. hang out with Tsemaye Binitie, probably one of the most talented up-and-coming designers this season, while he cast girls for his Sunday presentation and 2. ended up at the Helmut Lang after party with the gorgeous (and much missed) Alissa. Let's not mention any interaction I had with the male sex while in the city as anything along those lines is always clearly a disaster.

That trip was followed by Vegas with the work girls the next day. Which was an eye-opening adventure to say the least. Learned a lot. None of it had to do with gambling.

Oh and then I turned 22.

At last, however, I am in full recovery. Spent the morning in Burke Williams (a six month present from my lovely and forgiving boss), the afternoon on the pooldeck with Bonfire of the Vanities in my lap, and am now attempting to make orzo while slightly intoxicated with a homemade whisky sour. Too much lemon and not enough sugar.

The screenplay I wrote last year has yet to make me millions but I have five different kinds of cheese in my fridge currently (jack, cheddar, bleu, parmesan and feta) and that is enough success for me at the moment.

The point of this was to let everyone know I now have a tumblr. And a pintrest. Follow them for more images and less rambling!

And now for one more reason I'm going back to NY in the spring:

She is gorgeous and winter-fuzzy and I miss her to DEATH.



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