Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Post-Graduate Oath

Last night I had another post-graduate breakdown; sobbing on my little air mattress in NYC and bemoaning the fact that I have no clue what I'm doing, where I'm going, whether or not I'm going to "make it" and what that even means in the first place. In my despair, I called up another post-graduate friend and found out that he was feeling the same way. And all of his friends were feeling the same way too. So after I dried my eyes and pulled myself together, I decided (very heroically I might add) that I was NOT going to let uncertainty and unemployment get me down. Instead, I vowed the following, and I hope that all my other floundering post-grad friends will find encouragement in this oath and sign on to keep their life afloat this way as well.

Side note: Hunting for a job is not listed because this is assuming that you are already looking for a job with all of your might and finding it an extremely disheartening process.

During this stage of uncertainty, while I am faced with doubts, confusion and loss on the one hand and supposed endless possibilities on the other, I vow to not succumb to self-destructive emotions but instead, rise above them and make every day count. I swear to:

1. Not self-medicate with chocolate, ice cream or alcohol.
2. Find at least one thing I can do each day to propel myself forward.
3. Take time to see beauty in little things.
4. Learn something new every day.
5. Surround myself with art and expand my cultural horizons.
6. Make new friends who both motivate and inspire me.
7. Seek the advice of my elders and others who have been where I am and survived.
8. Study the lives of great people in my desired profession and take inspiration from their accomplishments.
9. Read books instead of watching TV shows that three months ago I wouldn't be caught dead watching.
10. Pray every day and trust that God has a plan for my life. (This may not be your particular cup of tea, but it's made a HUGE difference in my life so if Jesus is knocking, I suggest you see if He has something interesting to say)
11. NEVER EVER EVER EVER give up. Ever. Period. End of story. KEEP FIGHTING.

My love and encouragement goes out to all of you, my fellow floundering grads. We never thought this would be us. Well now it is. Let's all get through this together!

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