Sunday, May 30, 2010


Spent most of today packing for London. I never noticed that my professional wardrobe had such a decided color scheme until I pulled my favorite pieces to try to impress my new colleagues across the pond.
Skirts, pants, dresses, tops, layers and shoes. Wow. I ended up pulling a few of these when I couldn't fit everything in my suitcase but the idea remains the same. They say the French have perfected the art of the coordinated wardrobe but this picture makes me feel slightly ridiculous.

Packing has made me start to get really excited about the trip, especially the three nights I'll be spending in NYC with my friend Tina. She and I have had such crazy adventures already - I can't wait! I documented one of our exploits in a column for Chapman University's online magazine, the Chapman Prowl. Check it out here:

A few friends and I decided to cruise all the way down to Chula Vista for dinner tonight just for kicks. Totally worth it. Los Arcos has THE BEST fish-ness I have ever tasted anywhere. I ordered the Dona Reyna fillet and ate the whole thing. Next time though we're going to the sister restaurant in Mexico. Again, just for kicks. :)

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