Monday, January 3, 2011

Tying up the odds and ends

Random things from December that I didn't get around to posting: 

 Pretty much the most amazing picture ever. Karen Elson and Tom Ford in Dec Vogue. Reminds me of two people I know...

My dream. Give me ocean, a convertible, heels and a full skirt and I'm basically in heaven. 

 Christmas rain at Benvenuto. We had to pump out the pool so it didn't overflow!

 Saying goodbye to my catering boys. They've been taking care of me for two and a half years now. Gosh I'm going to miss Dodge College. :(

 Kerrianne's Festivus. Pretty much just a holiday excuse for well dressed ridiculousness. I'm wearing the LCS Designs 2011 collection lobster dress. Yup. It's got lobsters on it.

Our lovely hosts.

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