Saturday, June 5, 2010


I can't believe I've been traveling for almost a week now! It's way too much to try to do Nashville AND New York in one posting so we'll stick with the former for now and hit the later as soon as possible.

Let me begin by saying Nashville is really great but I could never ever live there. I had a brilliant time with my friend Colin though, and that was really what it was all about anyway.

(When I saw this guy at the airport it was like a sign: Welcome to the Country Music Capital!)

After I landed, Colin and I went to this hole in the wall in downtown Nashville called Sam's Sushi that seems to be a bit of a landmark and it has more of a code than Cal Beach! Locals refer to Sam as the Sushi Nazi - apparently he screams at people when they treat the place like a normal restaurant - and there's certainly a code required to get service. Should have taken this as a sign. Dorothy, you're not in LA anymore.

Later we headed out to a park where there's a life-size replica of the Parthenon. It was cool but not conducive to sitting so we walked around this huge pond thing and found a tree that stretched out down over the water. I said I wanted to climb it, of course, and Colin is totally that guy too so we clambered out over the the water, sat back, and had a couple glasses of wine and just talked and watched the light from the illuminated Parthenon on the water as
the shadows of the ducks crissed and crossed. It was perfect. And very Tom and Huck. (I wish I had pictures!)

The next day consisted of more Tennessee adventures including a 25 foot rope swing into a river in the middle of nowhere and the most amazing ice cream shop I've ever seen. Not much to look at, but the Pied Piper's has the most inventive flavors I've ever come across! We sampled Orange Curry flavor. It tasted like Orange Curry. Chai Tea tasted like Chai Tea. I swear if they had Snozberry ice cream it would taste like Snozberrys too. It started to bucket rain right as we left, but I managed to snap a picture to remind me.

(Pied Piper)

(Random shot in the middle of Tennessee nowhere)

That night Colin took me on a bit of a walking tour of the city. Capital building, the bridge out over the river, some famous green where they used to have big concerts. Wish I could remember the names of these places - most of my pics came out blurry because it was late at night too... We tried to get on the roof of the Roosevelt hotel - unfortunately after 23 floors in the elevator and 7 floors on foot, the door was locked and security was right there to kick us out. Haha oh well.
We waded around in a fountain to spite the logical world and left our fading marks on the city. Great night.

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