Sunday, October 24, 2010

LCS Designs Pre-Launch Party...finally

What a night! So much happened within the span of a few hours... The venue was great, the Anaheim White House boys Jimmy and Joey were fantastic, and LCS Designs grew up a lot. And of course everyone was chic and fabulous and had a great time :)

Here are some pics from before everyone arrived...

And during the festivities:

Laura and I - both in LCS. As you can see, it was such a beautiful night that most of the guests vacated the banquet hall and hung out outside in the dazzling courtyard.

(Voyeuristic shot...)

Laura again...always a model :)

Me and our amazing photographer, Adam.

This is a really terrible picture of one of my best friends, Bri and I. I don't know why I posted I wanted her to be a part of this blog...

Bri and my darling Stephen. In a hat. As per usual. The man is amazing.

Bri and Allen, a fellow blogger, after probably too many cocktails. Check out his blog here:

Overall, it was a pretty awesome night.

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