Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hyper Color

Disclaimer: this post is SUPER late. We're actually shooting the next theme tonight - should be pretty epic and we'll be out all night :) I'll try to post some behind the scenes shortly afterward!

"Love Your Body" photoshoot with the Fashion Squad. Obviously, my body isn't healthy - you can count my ribs and I barely eat, so I took the shoot in another direction. Instead of painting "I'm beautiful just the way I am" across my stomach, I splashed on one word: "Control." It was supposed to evoke a darker message that young women often resort to unhealthy ways to keep their bodies looking a certain way because they feel this is the only thing they can control in their lives. Unfortunately, the lighting of the shoot was so soft and "glamazon-y" that I don't look that unhealthy and the message kind of got lost. Oh well. We got some great pictures out of it.

Lol and the others who actually stuck with the theme looked fantastic!

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